Transferring Masters – Ephesians 6:5-9

Ephesians 6:5-9

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What’s your least favorite job of all time? I haven’t had as many bad jobs as some of you have. Donnie told me that he milked cows for two years, and also used to discard dead animals from the vet. I’ve been an umpire for Little League. It would have been fun if not for the parents!Work is a gift and we should think God for work. But some jobs are not high on the desirability scale! How can you find any meaning or fulfillment in your daily vocation – either paid work or unpaid work (mom/student)? This text shows us that we need to see Christ as our ultimate “boss” for whom we labor. You see, you can transfer masters without transferring jobs. Paul teaches us in this section how the Lordship of Christ should affect our view of work. We can exalt Christ through our various jobs.

IDC RaleighTransferring Masters – Ephesians 6:5-9
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