Exodus, Wildnerness, and a Greater Prophet and King – 1 Kings 12:1-14:20

1 Kings 12:1-14:20

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Solomon has died and his son is to become King in his place, but as we will see this is the beginning of the split of the nation. Jeroboam is initially seen as a new Moses, however, quickly he goes from being the Moses figure to being an Aaron Figure who leads people out of slavery into idolatry! The book of Kings is training us to be disappointed in these kings they start with expectancy, but they end terribly. The Nation needs an Obedient, Wise King who comes a Servant to Lighten the Yoke of His people and leads them in to True Worship. This King is Jesus, the Obedient Son of David, who will take the punishment for disobedient kings and our punishment.

IDC RaleighExodus, Wildnerness, and a Greater Prophet and King – 1 Kings 12:1-14:20
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