
Gospel Living – Titus 3

Titus 3:1-15

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Regeneration (Rebirth) radically changes us, inside and out, so that now we reflect that gospel-change to one another and the watching world! N.T. Wright says, “the creator of the World is a lavish host who has sent out a worldwide invitation to His party. We, as His messengers, must live in such a way that people will want to turn up.” What makes us a people like this? Christ does – He changes us and He is our only hope! Christ is the only one who can deliver any of us from verse 3 slavery!

IDC RaleighGospel Living – Titus 3

Living In Grace – Titus 2:1-15

Titus 2:1-15

View this week’s worship guide


Godliness is not just about saying “No” to sin. You must say “yes” to God. You are not in neutral. You are going in one direction. You will not overcome sin or addiction by simply saying “no.” You must say “Yes.”So, grace teaches us about holiness and also enables us to do it, unlike the law that gives demands but no power to keep it. Listen to Bunyan: Run, John, run. The law commands But gives neither feet nor hands Better news the gospel brings It bids me fly and gives me wings.-John Bunyan

IDC RaleighLiving In Grace – Titus 2:1-15

Two Essentials of a Healthy Church – Titus 1:1-16

TItus 1:1-16

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Today we are going to talk about two essentials of a healthy church: Sound Doctrine, and Qualified Elders. Titus is about renovating the church in Crete. He has the hard task of trying to put what remained in order, and to do that he is to teach sound doctrine, and appoint qualified elders. Apart from these two, the church will collapse. Virtually, every church in the NT needed reformation in these areas. So let’s look at these two essentials of a healthy church, and they are related: (1) Sound Doctrine (1-4), (2) Qualified Elders (5-16). Left to ourselves, we can’t live out this list of qualifications put forth in Titus! But there is one ultimate Overseer who did them perfectly.We must look to Christ to be transformed.

IDC RaleighTwo Essentials of a Healthy Church – Titus 1:1-16

Faithful to the End – 2 Timothy 4:5-22

2 Timothy 4:5-22

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Paul uses an athletic analogy in this section, mentioning the “crown.” These Garlands or “Crowns” won by the Greeks were greatly prized, like these plaques in the Hall of Fame. But Paul speaks of a crown of infinitely greater worth, of something of far greater importance. He speaks of a crown that he will receive—the same crown we also will one day receive! This should propel us to faithfulness. Every little reward in this life pales in comparison to the crown of life. No trophy compares with seeing the Savior, and hearing “Well done.”

IDC RaleighFaithful to the End – 2 Timothy 4:5-22

Keep Your Finger on the Text – 2 Timothy 3:14-4:4

2 Timothy 3:14-4:4

View this week’s worship guide


“Keep your finger on the text when you teach and preach.” That’s exactly what we’re talking about today. Keeping our heart and mind in the word, and our finger on the text. We must do this – as readers, as teachers/preachers, and as listeners. In every case, keep your finger on the text. Nothing is more important than us hearing from the Word of God. For indeed, the Bible testifies to the glorious truths about our Savior. It makes us wise for salvation. It shows us that: He lived the life we couldn’t live; died the death we should have died, rose on our behalf, and now calls all of us to come to him in repentance and faith and receive this great salvation. Come to this divine Christ.

IDC RaleighKeep Your Finger on the Text – 2 Timothy 3:14-4:4