Great Gain – 1 Timothy 6:3-10

1 Timothy 6:3-10

View this week’s worship guide


The two main points we see in this passage is that we are to avoid false teaching by pursuing sound teaching and to avoid greed by being satisfied in Christ. We must realize that only Christ alone with satisfy our hearts, not more stuff. We must be constantly asking ourselves hard questions. Do I hoard money beyond reason, am I trying to appear wealthy, is my desire to accumulate harming others, is my hope in money, am I terrified when I don’t have it, and am I basing my security on money/possessions? The surest way to know whether or not you have fallen into the “love of money” trap is whether or not you generously give it away for the sake of the kingdom, and we must look to Jesus the one who gave everything for the sake of the kingdom.

IDC RaleighGreat Gain – 1 Timothy 6:3-10
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