One of my favorite phrases is: “Theology leads to biography.” “Your beliefs drive your behavior.” In this passage, we see two competing sets of beliefs, two sets of teachers, and consequently, two different ways to live. Paul concluded chapter 3 saying that the truth is “the pillar and buttress of truth.” Then he stated the central truth the church confesses, namely, the Gospel. Now, Paul opens up chapter 4 by saying that the false teachers deny the truth, and reject the church’s confession. The concluding exhortation summarizes the application for Timothy and us: “Watch our life and doctrine closely.” Why? “Because you will save yourself and your hearers.” What you believe, really matters!
The text today address a topic that has been minimized or neglected in American Christianity, that being the importance of the church. So if you are new to this whole thing you should check out what the Bible says (not culture or tradition) about the Church, and if you are a believer this text highlights our identity and our Mission! The main idea here is that the Word directs us to live in such a way together as the Living God’s Family so that King Jesus is believed on in the Nations!
What we see in the text of 1 Timothy 2:8-3:13 is Paul telling Timothy what is needed in the household of God from the people of God. As a local church we need Godly men and women,faithful overseers & deacons, and ministering members. The good news is that the we have the true shepherd in Jesus Christ who is leading us and equipping us for this work.
As we enter in to the text today I really only have one point. Pray for and proclaim the gospel to all people because there is only one way to peace with God. Another way to see it is that a gospel-centered Christian living as an exile will see prayer and proclamation as conspiratorial acts against the god of this age who blinds the eyes of unbelievers.
In this section of 1 Timothy, Paul gets personally caught up in the controversy, which he has been addressing. He speaks of the false teachers, and contrasts their substitute message with the “gospel of the glory of the blessed God” (1:11). This leaves him in wonder at the mercy of God. He gets swept up into praise to God, who saves sinners. If Jesus is bigger, then two things should happen that you see in this text. One, you will exalt Jesus, two you will contend for the faith. You will contend because you see how important, how central the cross is for people. If you embrace the true Gospel, then you should be filled with praise, and you should contend for the faith.