Adult Discipleship

Discipleship Classes

IDC provides ongoing discipleship classes on Sunday evenings from 4-5:15 pm. These classes are open to anyone and will consist of Bible study and discussion of various discipleship issues in the Christian life. Discipleship Classes do not meet on weeks we have members’ meetings (usually the first Sunday of each month).

Content Coordinator
Christy Britton


IDC Women’s Discipleship desires to see lives changed by the gospel through equipping women to grow into faithful believers and disciple-makers within the context of the local church.

Guiding Principles

  • Biblical literacy and spiritual vitality
    • We equip women to grow in their relationship with the Lord through study of the Scriptures and commitment to gospel-saturated spiritual disciplines.
  • Biblical community
    • We provide opportunities to foster gospel relationships among the women in our church, including Titus 2 discipling relationships.
  • Leadership development
    • We encourage women to grow in discernment, discipleship, and leadership.

Bible Studies & Book Clubs

Women’s Bible studies and book clubs are offered in the spring and fall: from March through May, and from September through November. Book clubs and Bible studies meet at a variety of times and locations: at Imago Dei as well as in homes, in the mornings and evenings. A group for Spanish speakers is also offered. Childcare is provided for groups meeting at the IDC building.

To see a list of past book selections, click here.

Fall 2024 Book Selections:

Ruth by Imago Dei Women (Spanish selection as well)

Holier Than Thou: How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him by Jackie Hill Perry

Women’s Events

In addition to Bible studies and book clubs, women’s events are offered periodically, such as hosting an author, gathering for a lament service, or getting away for a women’s retreat. Upcoming events will be listed on the IDC website and in the newsletter.


Another focus of women’s discipleship is prayer: we have a team of women who pray for all female members throughout the year. If you have a prayer request to share with the prayer team, email or

Titus 2 Relationships

We encourage women to meet regularly with other believers for accountability and gospel community. For a suggested list of accountability questions, click here.

Director of Women’s Discipleship & Special Events
Shauna Sigmon

Women’s Discipleship Coordinator
Amanda Lyons


IDC Men’s Discipleship aims to see lives changed by the gospel through encouraging and equipping men to grow into mature disciples and disciple-makers in the context of the local church. We do this through regular and occasional gatherings for men centered around Scripture, prayer, and Christian brotherhood. During these times, we focus on various practical discipleship and mission topics. View the church calendar for specific event dates.

Men’s Discipleship
Akeloe Facey

Men’s Discipleship
Brian Key

We exist to engage 18-24 year olds with the gospel & to equip them to live for the glory of God in all of life.

  • Engage: Introduce them to Jesus and His gospel
  • Equip: Disciple students to live in light of the gospel and for the glory of God in every aspect of their lives

IDC College Sunday Nights

During the Fall and Spring semesters IDC College gathers on Sunday nights at the IDC building at 6:30 pm. This time is designed to be a place where both believers and seekers alike can encounter Jesus, be equipped in the faith, and be introduced to the local church. (Interested in providing food for our weekly gatherings? Use this link to sign up!)

Follow @imagodeicollege on Instagram and join the IDC College GroupMe to stay up to date on meeting and event details!

Corporate Worship and Fellowship

Gather for Sunday morning worship with the IDC family and get plugged into an IDC Growth Group. See Growth Group options here, or contact for Growth Group inquiries!

On-Campus Bible Studies

Student-led Bible studies take place throughout the week at a variety of campuses. If you’d like more information or to check out a group for yourself, click here.


Consider joining IDC as a covenant member! The mutual encouragement and support that comes from joining the local church is unmatched! If you are interested, information on our next membership class can be found here.

Summers at IDC College

It might be summer, but there’s still opportunities to connect and grow with others at IDC College. Here’s what we have going on:

Guys & Girls Book Studies
Weekly Bible Studies
Summer Mission Project

For more information, reach out to Tyler Burton.

Click here for the current IDC College Schedule.

Director of College Discipleship
Tyler Burton

Hispanic Ministry

The Hispanic ministry aims to serve the Spanish-speaking community at Imago Dei Church. As a ministry within the local church, we operate in harmony with the larger vision of IDC. Live Spanish translation is available during the 9:00 am service on Sundays, we meet monthly at Hispanic Initiative gatherings for a time of fellowship, musical worship, and teaching from the Bible, and also offer various discipleship opportunities throughout the year. Our Hispanic Initiative gatherings are typically at 6:30 pm on the last Saturday of each month at the IDC building. View the church calendar for specific dates.

To learn more about this ministry, view this document (also available in Spanish).

Director of Hispanic Ministry
Joe Powell

IDC AdminAdult Discipleship