
Wisdom or Not – Proverbs 2

Proverbs 2

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Today we are in Proverbs 2, and there are really only two main divisions of this proverb. There is the “if you will” section (vv. 1-4), and then the outcome or the “then you will” section (vv. 5-22). There is the admonition to “go hard” in pursuit for wisdom, and the description of the benefits if you do. This is appeal to us. Wisdom is there for the taking. For the sake our time we will consider: The Decision to be made about Wisdom (1-11), The Division that is made by Wisdom (12-19), and The Conclusion to be made about Wisdom (20-22).

IDC RaleighWisdom or Not – Proverbs 2

Introduction to Proverbs – Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1

View this week’s worship guide


We turn to Proverbs because it’s inspired Scripture that teaches us about the Gospel; it teaches us about Christ, who is “the wisdom of God.” Proverbs should call us not simply to know the right things, but to know the right person, Jesus Christ, who says “Come follow me.” Proverbs teaches us how to live in wisely through Christ, in a way that honors Christ.

IDC RaleighIntroduction to Proverbs – Proverbs 1

Models of Giving and Receiving – Philippians 4:10-23

Philippians 4:10-23

View this week’s worship guide


In this particular passage, we find a wonderful theology of giving and receiving, in which everyone, pastor and member alike, should consider closely. The Philippians are models of giving, and Paul is a model of receiving. We should pay close attention to them both.

IDC RaleighModels of Giving and Receiving – Philippians 4:10-23