
Giving Praise and Waging War – 1 Timothy 1:12-20

1 Timothy 1:12-20

View this week’s worship guide


In this section of 1 Timothy, Paul gets personally caught up in the controversy, which he has been addressing. He speaks of the false teachers, and contrasts their substitute message with the “gospel of the glory of the blessed God” (1:11). This leaves him in wonder at the mercy of God. He gets swept up into praise to God, who saves sinners. If Jesus is bigger, then two things should happen that you see in this text. One, you will exalt Jesus, two you will contend for the faith. You will contend because you see how important, how central the cross is for people. If you embrace the true Gospel, then you should be filled with praise, and you should contend for the faith.

IDC RaleighGiving Praise and Waging War – 1 Timothy 1:12-20

Guarding The Gospel Of The Glorious God – 1 Timothy 1:3-11

1 Timothy 1:3-11

View this week’s worship guide


The church has been promised to face threats of all kinds, and our text plunges us into a scene already in progress. False teachers, driven by faulty motives, preaching a false gospel are already having an impact on the church at Ephesus. Paul urges Timothy to remain on post and guard the gospel from this threat. For when Jesus gave his life for sinners as a gracious act of mercy it was a glorious display of God, our gospel. This grace is contrary to law, and therefore the glory of the gospel has now transcended the lesser glory of law. All teaching now is judge by whether or not it is gospel based. May God be blessed by his people as we continue to teach that which accords with he gospel of our glorious God.

IDC RaleighGuarding The Gospel Of The Glorious God – 1 Timothy 1:3-11

Why Should We Care About 1 Timothy – 1 Timothy 1:1-2

1 Timothy 1:1-2

View this week’s worship guide


While we don’t find everything about the church in 1 Timothy we do find some of the essential aspects of it. So welcome to 1 Timothy. We need this book because God speaks to us through his word, and we gladly submit. We need it because the church matters to God and should matter to us. And we need it because we need hope.

IDC RaleighWhy Should We Care About 1 Timothy – 1 Timothy 1:1-2

New Building, Same Message – Galatians 2:1-14

Galatians 2:1-14

View this week’s worship guide


Though as a church we have moved to a different location our mission and our message has not changed. We see that message here in Galatians 2:1-14. Paul explains that there is only one gospel, and those who believe it should care for the poor and fellowship with all types of believers. Our acceptance of the gospel is intended to bring a new way of life, not just morally but socially. Our relationships should change as we dwell on the gospel of Christ. The proper response to God’s grace, is to show grace and welcome to others. There is only one gospel, and that one gospel creates one new people. Therefore, Know the gospel, display gospel compassion, and work in the gospel in your heart, so that your conduct reflects it.

IDC RaleighNew Building, Same Message – Galatians 2:1-14