This is a really easy section to outline, but a hard section to read for some to read because it is bloody. It is divided into three parts: (1) The Anointing (9:1-13); (2) The Avenging (9:14-10:27); (3) The Assessment (10:28-36). If you scan these sections you can see that breakdown. A young prophet anoints him, then he serves as God’s avenger. He eliminates Joram, Ahaziah, Jezebel, Ahab’s descendants, the worshipers of Baal. In the final verses of chapter 10 we are left to ponder the assessment of his reign. While that covers the story itself, I have chosen to go with a bit different outline: (1) Things that Differ; and (2) Things that Matter. We need to make some distinctions between this story and our time period, but we also need to take some things very seriously that are still true for us.
This is a really easy section to outline, but a hard section to read for some to read because it is bloody. It is divided into three parts: (1) The Anointing (9:1-13); (2) The Avenging (9:14-10:27); (3) The Assessment (10:28-36). If you scan these sections you can see that breakdown. A young prophet anoints him, then he serves as God’s avenger. He eliminates Joram, Ahaziah, Jezebel, Ahab’s descendants, the worshipers of Baal. In the final verses of chapter 10 we are left to ponder the assessment of his reign. While that covers the story itself, I have chosen to go with a bit different outline: (1) Things that Differ; and (2) Things that Matter. We need to make some distinctions between this story and our time period, but we also need to take some things very seriously that are still true for us.
In the following section of Kings, we find some fascinating, tragic, and somewhat comedic stories. You were probably not told about these stories in Sunday School! Many of the stories in Scripture are difficult to understand and stomach, but that does not mean we need to avoid them, or that we cannot make sense of them. We simply need to try to understand them. From these stories, it is clear that God is “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty” (Ex 34:6-7). God’s divine mercy and justice has been most gloriously displayed in the cross of Jesus. There, the sinless one bore the judgment that we deserved, in order that we may experience everlasting mercy and grace. Look to him, and flee the wrath to come. In Christ, you are safe. In Christ, you are free from condemnation.
The glorious message today is that God can overcome the effects of the Fall (whether it’s Skin disease, frustrated Work, or sin) and deliver us from slavery to curse by bringing us through the waters of the Jordan safely into the Promised Land! So Unbeliever here is the greatest message in the World – there is cleansing for prostitutes, thieves, liars, and the self-righteous – just fall on your knees and ask for mercy and he will plunge you through water! It doesn’t matter what you have done – right now we are just little servant messengers telling you there is a Prophet in Israel, and we are answering the question for you: what can wash away your sins? Your uncleanness? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! Believer there is a lot to respond to but fundamentally, but I want us to be like this servant girl. We are here for the good of the nations! Let’s point to Him in our work, our neighborhoods and the nations!
We just finished the biography of Elijah in 2 Kings 2. The larger than life prophet died – well, sort of. He was taken up into heaven in a blaze of glory, and he reappears in the New Testament. Nevertheless he is gone, but his ministry is not gone. It continues on, particularly through the life of his successor, Elisha. Elijah passed on the prophetic mantle to him. In the opening chapters of 2 Kings, the sons of the prophets affirmed Elisha’s ministry, and now Elisha will prove his ministry to king Jehoram and others in 2 Kings 3-4. From these chapters, we see how Elisha, like Elijah, was a God’s special agent, sent to speak truth and display God’s power.