Psalm 139 is richly theological dealing with God’s omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence; but it is also wonderfully personal, because it speaks of these divine attributes in ways that impact how we live and how we live before the living God. Psalm 139 is about the tension we have in living our life before the Lord.
Psalm 139 is richly theological dealing with God’s omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence; but it is also wonderfully personal, because it speaks of these divine attributes in ways that impact how we live and how we live before the living God. Psalm 139 is about the tension we have in living our life before the Lord.
At times it may seem like walking with God isn’t worth much. Psalm 73 deals with this. The writer struggles with the wicked prospering while the righteous seem to suffer.He is tempted to leave God & His ways. No doubt we have faced similar temptations or frustrations and we ask ourselves is this worth it? We need to look to God’s Word in Psalm 73 because it will bring us thru despair to hope.
The ideas of God as creator, and God’s compassion for the poor appear in Psalm 146. The Psalmist points us to nature of the LORD in this psalm. It is so relevant because our view of God determines everything. When we have a high view (or biblical view) of God, we will praise him continually, trust him supremely, and imitate him faithfully.
We all instinctively long for Justice and something different, as if we have a sense of what the World is supposed to be! Some think education, government, or science will solve our problems and yet they don’t! But the bible explains why this is so, and what will make sense of the World! It tells us what went wrong with our race, what our race was meant for, and how we can be restored to that purpose. Moses is telling us in this passage why there is pain, strife, and brokenness in our world; he also shows us something in the midst of all of it – HOPE! Man was created uniquely to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, instead man rebelled and tried to replace the Creator with himself, but God does not leave us in our rebellion; he restores us to our purpose.