
Blood of the Covenant, Shed for You – Exodus 23:20-24:18

Exodus 23:20-24:18

View this week’s worship guide


This is one of the most powerful, meaningful and memorable passages in the entire Bible. Take note of who the main character is…who the hero of the story is. This passage is primarily about God…His victory, His commands, His law, His blessing, His covenant, and His glory. It is God who delivers victory. It is God who should be obeyed. It is God who provides the blessing. It is God who makes and seals the covenant. And it is God who is holy and just and merciful and should be worshipped forever. It is God who rescues and redeems us. And it is God whom we should follow and worship, trust and obey.

IDC RaleighBlood of the Covenant, Shed for You – Exodus 23:20-24:18

Loving God and Neighbor – Exodus 20:22-23:19

Exodus 20:22-23:19

View this week’s worship guide


In the sermon on the Ten Commandments, we finished by saying that the law drives us to Jesus, and Jesus enables us to keep the law. If these laws demonstrate ways in which Israel was to live out the Decalogue, then we are left with that great application again. We can’t keep God’s law. But there is one who lived the life we couldn’t live and died the death we should have died. Jesus obeyed for us, and died in place of law-breakers.

IDC RaleighLoving God and Neighbor – Exodus 20:22-23:19

The Tomb is Empty – Mark 16:1-16:8

Mark 16:1-16:8

View this week’s worship guide


Jesus saves us from futility, gives our lives meaning and significance, because everything that is done in his name here matters.

The resurrection changes everything.

• This was what changed the world.
• This changed the disciples.

John said, “We saw him, we touched him”

Do you believe?

• Let the evidence challenge your mind
• Let his grace change your heart
• Let his mission consume your life

The tomb is empty; the throne is occupied. Believe! Rejoice! Relax! Labor! Anticipate!

IDC RaleighThe Tomb is Empty – Mark 16:1-16:8

Essentials for a Healthy Community of Faith – Exodus 17:8-18:27

Exodus 17:8-18:27

View this week’s worship guide


We need power. We need to speak the good news. We need shared ministry. May God help become a healthy community of faith. We like Jethro and Moses and the elders, gather around one table. We also we rally around the cross, or banner, and we enjoy fellowship with one another because of the work of our great mediator, Jesus Christ. And one day we will rule and rein with our Christ. If you are not part of the community of faith, we would love to call you brother or sister. We urge you to consider what God has done to make this possible, through his cross-work.

IDC RaleighEssentials for a Healthy Community of Faith – Exodus 17:8-18:27

Wilderness University – Exodus 15:22-17:7

Exodus 15:22-17:7

View this week’s worship guide


Like Israel, we too are sojourners, who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, who have crossed over to the other side by grace, and are now on the way to Promised Land. In this faith journey, in our wilderness, God is sanctifying us, and teaching us to trust him, love him and follow him. So the big idea today is that we need to learn some things from Israel’s Wilderness experience, since (once again) their story is our story.

IDC RaleighWilderness University – Exodus 15:22-17:7