Paul uses an athletic analogy in this section, mentioning the “crown.” These Garlands or “Crowns” won by the Greeks were greatly prized, like these plaques in the Hall of Fame. But Paul speaks of a crown of infinitely greater worth, of something of far greater importance. He speaks of a crown that he will receive—the same crown we also will one day receive! This should propel us to faithfulness. Every little reward in this life pales in comparison to the crown of life. No trophy compares with seeing the Savior, and hearing “Well done.”
“Keep your finger on the text when you teach and preach.” That’s exactly what we’re talking about today. Keeping our heart and mind in the word, and our finger on the text. We must do this – as readers, as teachers/preachers, and as listeners. In every case, keep your finger on the text. Nothing is more important than us hearing from the Word of God. For indeed, the Bible testifies to the glorious truths about our Savior. It makes us wise for salvation. It shows us that: He lived the life we couldn’t live; died the death we should have died, rose on our behalf, and now calls all of us to come to him in repentance and faith and receive this great salvation. Come to this divine Christ.
We all are following someone and at some point or another we will all lead. So the question is, does our following and our leading consistent with the Gospel? Or is it more consentient with the list in this passage? We are told to avoid those who have an only appearance of godliness and follow gospel-changed examples through the power of the Gospel! Ultimately only Christ can say follow my way of life and actually give you the power and changed heart to do it even if that leads us to persecution and crucifixion!
Today we’re talking about the importance of healthy teaching, and the characteristics of a faithful teacher. People desperately need healthy teaching. Teaching is really the foundation of all that we do as a church. We worship, but our worship is built on sound doctrine; we serve, but Scripture teaches us about serving; we get married,but it is the teaching of Scripture that teaches us about marriage, and so on. Jesus Christ, the Lord’s servant is not only the model for all teachers, but he is also the person who gives us power to accomplish our mission of teaching the Word.
Paul models endurance for us in 2 Timothy. He writes this letter from a prison. He’s an aged, war-torn apostle, but he’s enduring until the end. He is calling Timothy to endure to the end. Remember Jesus Christ! Remember the one who conquered our enemies, is seated at the Father’s right hand, and gives sufficient grace that we may endure hardship. If we endure through him, we will reign with him. And when your faith ends in sight and you hear the Savior say, “Well done,” I promise you that you will not regret passing on the gospel and suffering for the gospel as a good soldier, a disciplined athlete, and a hard-working farmer.