When we hear the gospel there are 3 questions we must answer. One, who is Jesus? Two, What did Jesus come to do? Three, what does Jesus call us to do? These are basic fundamental questions that everyone must answer.
A father with two different sons, with one great need: the gospel. That’s what this parable is teaching. It’s amazing how much theology is packed into this story! God, man, sin, Christ, grace, repentance, heaven, kingdom: All here! Many want to divide the world into “bad” guys, and “good” guys. But Jesus says no. There are three ways. Bad guys, those who think they’re good (and in no need of repentant) and those who repent and have life. Let’s spread the gospel of grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for the sake of the younger and elder brothers in our congregations, and when they repent, let’s party. Do you know this God? Will you come home?
We are in a short series on the nature of our mission at IDC called “Love Your Neighbor.” We see that command in this popular story typically referred to as “The Good Samaritan.” Part of the problem with talking about “love” is that people have a misunderstanding about what love is. But the Bible cuts threw the confusion. John, for example, says in 1 John 3:16a, “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us” For the Christian, we don’t have to guess at what love is. It’s not mystical, philosophical, nor just “being nice” (whatever that means). It’s about the cross of Jesus. I like to describe love as: A passion that leads to action. Jesus’ (com)passion lead him to act. He just didn’t say he loved us, or had compassion and mercy, he demonstrated it.
People who have experienced Jesus’ gracious hospitality, should extend the same type of gracious hospitality. If you’ve experienced it, you should extend it. Don’t always think of mission as extraordinary. Jesus talked about having dinner with people here. He didn’t start a program, a school, or have a crusade. He ate meals. Don’t be a “weird Christian.” “Now I want to talk to you about the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Here is a Testa-mint, now listen.” No! Be genuine. Talk about grace. Tell your story. Ask questions about them. Look for common interests. Serve them. May God help us show grace in ways that reflect the grace that we have received in Jesus.
Regeneration (Rebirth) radically changes us, inside and out, so that now we reflect that gospel-change to one another and the watching world! N.T. Wright says, “the creator of the World is a lavish host who has sent out a worldwide invitation to His party. We, as His messengers, must live in such a way that people will want to turn up.” What makes us a people like this? Christ does – He changes us and He is our only hope! Christ is the only one who can deliver any of us from verse 3 slavery!