Israel’s worship of the golden calf idol is what we are looking at today. Perhaps you think, “I don’t struggle with worshiping a cow; I like to eat them too much, but i don’t struggle worshiping them.” Maybe not a cow. But remember this story has everything to do with you because it’s not ultimately about a calf; it’s about the human heart. Stephen says, “in their hearts they turned to Egypt.” Apart from the grace of God, we would be worshiping something or someone other than God. It may be your body, a sport, money, or whatever. But we are all worshipers. John Calvin is often quoted as saying, “The human heart is a perpetual factory of idols…. Everyone of us is, from his mother’s womb, an expert in inventing idols.” An idol is anything you seek to give you what only Christ can give you is an idol. (joy, security, peace, meaning, significance, identity, salvation). The idol is the sin beneath the sin. This whole chapter points us to one great reality: we need a perfect substitute. We have one who would come from this very people. He would ascend to the cross, and bear the punishment that we idolaters deserve. He took the punishment in place of us, in order for our sins to be covered. Jesus would say, “The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep” Because of Christ, our names can be written in the book of life!
Samson is not our hero, he himself needs deliverance, but he is pointing forward to the Hero we need. Why is he not? Because the only one that can ascend the hill of the Lord is the man with clean hands and a pure heart… the wages of sin is death and Samson falls short. There will be another whose birth was miraculously foretold by an Angel, who is Spirit-anointed to take on the enemies of God and His people, who is betrayed by his own people and given over to pagan oppressors, who is betrayed by a kiss for silver, who is arrested, not blinded, but blindfolded and mocked and humiliated by a foreign army, who seems to be forsaken by God, who’s victory would crush the heads of his enemies, & would gain greater victory in His death than life. However, this man is no rebel, and this man does not give in to his appetites; this one’s death, unlike Samson’s who’s death killed God’s enemies, will actually rescue and save God’s enemies. This is Jesus of Nazareth!
Most of us love our children, but that is not the issue. The issue is: do your
children feel loved? We will love our children by educating them, and we will grow our children by encouraging them. We must love our children by introducing them to the perfect Father who condescended to our level and who will never leave or forsake us.
Many important parts of the faith begin here in the OT, and introduce categories, which are later filled up with more meaning in the NT. Today, these categories involve the priesthood, the Spirit, and the Sabbath. This theme of work and rest teaches us about the gospel. Here we learn about our Great High Priest who works on our behalf, the Holy Spirit who works in us to do God’s work, and a holy rest that we need.
Here in this passage we will see a God, a Father, who is gracious in Dwelling with His people! His Presence is among them and that should reaffirm that they are His people and they should be about His Mission. This Text is all about God being present with His people, but how can a holy God dwell in midst of sinful people? How can sinful man enter the Holy Place? The Tabernacle shows us the furniture, process, and people which can bring sinner & holy one together (mercy seat, altar, priests, sacrifice, etc), but ultimately these are pointing us to Christ!