Today we begin our 15-week series in the book of Exodus. “Exodus” means “Getting Out” or “Going Out” or “Delivered.” This is an epic tale of God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt’s cruel slavery. Every scene leaves you on the edge of your seat, from baby in a basket, to the burning bush, to the Red Sea, and more. And Exodus has something to say to all of us.
So welcome to Exodus. May God help us better understand our redemption. And may he help us better understand our mission.
While we will do some events to reach people, the regular strategy is very simple: befriending people and pointing them to Jesus. This is how everyone gets involved in the mission.
Do we want to bring Glory to this Great King? Do we want to love the Scriptures? Then look to Christ and be found in Him, want to know Him and God as Jesus did… believer and unbeliever.