Payday Someday – 1 Kings 21:1-29

1 Kings 21:1-29

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There are four characters in this story: Naboth, Ahab, Jezebel, and Elijah. We read of Ahab’s coveting and sulking, and of Jezebel’s manipulation and destruction. We meet Naboth, the faithful Israelite who models obedience to us. Here is Naboth living just outside the palace of this evil king! He has a little vineyard that he cherishes, which had been in his family for years. We finally have a rejuvenated Elijah appearing before Ahab, reminding him that you can hide nothing from God’s sight, and your sin will surely find you out (Num 32:23). You might assume this story has little relevance for modern readers. However, that assumption would be incorrect. This is not a story about grapes; it is a story about the (in)justice of man and the justice of God. We read about what it is like to suffer injustice, what it costs to do justice for the sake of the oppressed, how much we long for God’s justice, and how we can be made right with God the judge.

IDC RaleighPayday Someday – 1 Kings 21:1-29
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