The Folly of Adultery and The Wisdom of Sex – Proverbs 5

Proverbs 5

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We’re going to talk about sex today, and specifically the folly of adultery and the wisdom of sex within the covenant of marriage. I think there are a lot of reasons we avoid talking about sex. Here are a few: we think sexual purity and holiness includes avoiding talking about it, we underestimate the gravity and offensiveness of sexual sin — to God and others, we don’t really understand it from a biblical and theological perspective, & guilt and shame. So, whether you avoid talking about it, can only joke about it or get sensitive or embarrassed or defensive talking about it, know this: we are going to talk about sex today. Be prepared for the awkwardness, but be assured that I’m going to stick to the Bible and Proverbs 5. We need to hear this just like Solomon’s son needed to hear this, even and especially if it makes us uncomfortable.

IDC RaleighThe Folly of Adultery and The Wisdom of Sex – Proverbs 5
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