Watch Your Life and Doctrine – 1 Timothy 4:1-16

1 Timothy 4:1-16

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One of my favorite phrases is: “Theology leads to biography.” “Your beliefs drive your behavior.” In this passage, we see two competing sets of beliefs, two sets of teachers, and consequently, two different ways to live. Paul concluded chapter 3 saying that the truth is “the pillar and buttress of truth.” Then he stated the central truth the church confesses, namely, the Gospel. Now, Paul opens up chapter 4 by saying that the false teachers deny the truth, and reject the church’s confession. The concluding exhortation summarizes the application for Timothy and us: “Watch our life and doctrine closely.” Why? “Because you will save yourself and your hearers.” What you believe, really matters!

IDC RaleighWatch Your Life and Doctrine – 1 Timothy 4:1-16
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