
The Gospel and Passover – Exodus 12:1-13:16

Exodus 12:1-13:16

View this week’s worship guide


There are all kinds of stories that define us, give us meaning, give us purpose… but ultimately we unless it is this greater Passover/EXODUS…. The Gospel, we will spend our lives always trying to find something to fill what only that can fill and we will be left empty.

IDC RaleighThe Gospel and Passover – Exodus 12:1-13:16

That They May Know That I Am the LORD – Exodus 7:5-11:10

Exodus 7:5-11:10

View this week’s worship guide


One Dominant Question: Who Is Your God?

In this section of Scripture, we meet the real God! This God is:

  • Almighty – He rules over creation alone.
  • Sovereign – His justice and his mercy are his choice.
  • Jealous – He will not share his glory with another.
  • Just – He will punish people according to their sins.
  • Merciful – He will save all who cry out to him in humility and genuine repentance.

Mercy and justice are always mingled.

And the most important glorious, act of mercy and justice happened when God killed his Son. He passed over us and punished Jesus in our place.

Jesus Christ, the righteous one was punished in place of us.

  • He was crucified instead of us.
  • He took God’s wrath on behalf of us.

Everyone will be judged.

Either, Jesus took your judgment, or something worse than the plagues are coming your way, as you face the judgment.

For believers, we rejoice, because through Christ there is no condemnation. Jesus took our curse:

He experienced darkness. The darkness that happened at the cross. The darkness of the tomb. And by his death and resurrection, we who deserve death, have nothing but mercy forever.

Know Christ as the only Savior, or Fear Him as Judge. Do not harden your heart against him.

IDC RaleighThat They May Know That I Am the LORD – Exodus 7:5-11:10

Fighting Discouragement with Gospel Promises – Exodus 5:1-7:7

Exodus 5:1-7:7

View this week’s worship guide


Notice there are two ways to “know the Lord”

1.Experience the Lord’s Mercy in Salvation (6:6-8)
2.Experience the Lord’s Wrath in Judgment (7:4-5)

Everyone will eventually acknowledge that that He is Lord (cf., Phil. 2:10-11).

God will deal with his enemies either by “drowning them” or redeeming them through the cross.

In Isaiah 19, there is a promise that Egypt will one day be God’s people. But here, they are rejecting God’s Word.

This is what we want for God’s enemies. We want them to know the real God as Savior. We don’t want the attitude of James and John when the Samaritans refused to believe, or Jonah’s attitude toward the Ninevites. We want God’s enemies to become God’s people.

Now there is a period of time in which God is waiting for those who do not know him. God will have mercy on you.

Trust him as Savior today! Believe in the God who mercifully frees sinners, redeems sinners, adopts sinners, and promises an inheritance to sinners.

The text shows us here that Pharaoh’s heart is hardened. We see a tension on Exodus. On the one hand, the Lord is sovereign over everything that is going on here. On the other, Pharaoh is held responsible for refusing to listen.

We need to remember that the Bible warns us about “hardening our hearts” to God’s Word. Psalm 95 uses this phrase to warn Israel in its worship (95:8) and then the book of Hebrews uses Psalm 95 to call the church to continue in the faith (Heb. 3:7-4:13).

Do not harden your heart – hear the Gospel. Believe the Gospel. Trust in Christ.

IDC RaleighFighting Discouragement with Gospel Promises – Exodus 5:1-7:7

I AM Has Sent Me – Exodus 3:1-4:31

Exodus 3:1-4:31

View this week’s worship guide


1. Know this God. This God has come to us in Jesus, the one who said “I am the door. I am the vine. I am the way, the truth, the life. I am the light of the world. I am the resurrection and the life.” Do you know Jesus Christ?

2. Elevate Your View of God. Tozer said that what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. You will not attempt great things for God if you don’t have a great vision of God. HE is:

  • Holy
  • Self-Sufficient
  • Eternal
  • Mysterious
  • Glorious
  • Gracious

3. Realize that God accomplishes his purpose through weak vessels. Because of this, you can stop making excuses, and start trusting his promises. This is one of most encouraging passages in Scripture. Look at who God uses! He can use you as well.

IDC RaleighI AM Has Sent Me – Exodus 3:1-4:31