27. Responding to My Sin (Part 5): Applying the Gospel

As we identify and repent of sin, we never want to lose sight of God’s love for us and for Christ’s death for us. But how do we apply the gospel to our hearts in light of specific sins and failures? How can we make sure we’re not just forgiving ourselves, but resting in God’s forgiveness of us because of Christ?

Scripture References: Rom. 8:1; Col. 2:14; Rom.2:21; Matt. 7:22-23
Host: Christy Britton
Guest(s): Devin Moncada; Laura Steele

IDC Admin27. Responding to My Sin (Part 5): Applying the Gospel

26. Responding to My Sin (Part 4): Confessing My Sin

Once the Lord has shown us our sin, and once we’ve dug into the heart dynamics at play, what does it look like for us to faithfully confess our sin? To whom should we confess? How should we respond when others confess to us?

Scripture References: Psalm 32; Psalm 51; Daniel 9; Luke 19; 1 John 1
Host: Christy Britton
Guest(s): Manny Prieto; Donnie Hollis

IDC Admin26. Responding to My Sin (Part 4): Confessing My Sin

25. Responding to My Sin (Part 3): Heart Sins Beneath the Sin

Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart [our] mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Knowing that any sin that “comes out” of us is rooted deep in our hearts, how can we dig into our hearts to discern the idolatries and unbelief at work inside of us? Shane, Kent, and Denise give the biblical foundation and some practical help.

Scripture References: Prov. 4:23; Luke 6:43-45; Rom. 6:12; James 1:14-15; James 4:1-3
Host: Shane Shaddix
Guest(s): Kent Bass; Denise O’Donoghue

IDC Admin25. Responding to My Sin (Part 3): Heart Sins Beneath the Sin

23. Responding to My Sin (Part 1): Intro

Pastor Shane introduces a new series in which we’ll consider how we should respond when God shows us sin in our lives. Over the next several weeks we’ll look at how we can repent, believe, and walk in the new life available to us in Christ.

Scripture References: 1 John 1:5-10; Mark 1:15

IDC Admin23. Responding to My Sin (Part 1): Intro