
Songs We Sing

Gospel-Shaped Liturgy

The common pattern and order of our corporate worship gatherings tell a story. The sermon is the gospel to the ear. The Lord’s Supper is the gospel to the eye and to the taste. The service is the gospel in structure. This Christ-centered structure reflects the progress of the gospel in the individual. (See Christ-Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice by Bryan Chapell; Listen)


The songs we sing generally follow this structure:

Call to Worship

Worship always begins with God and recognition of his character, namely his greatness and glory. When we see God rightly, we see ourselves rightly and recognize our need.

Confession and Repentance

Acknowledgment of our character as sinners before a holy God leads to sorrow over sin, a commitment to forsake it, and a charge to walk in obedience to Christ.

Assurance and Thanksgiving

As the gathered body of believers, we remind each other that a great God has made us, redeemed us, sanctifies us, and uses us for his good purposes. Reflection together on God’s provision, substitution, grace, and forgiveness in Christ Jesus leads to gratefulness, humbleness, and teachability.

Response to the Word

Hearing the truth of Scripture expounded informs understanding which leads to proper expression of devotion.

Celebration and Summary

Restatement of these gospel truths equips believers, instills hope, and inspires faithful obedience.

This Sunday

March 23, 2025

Psalm 34 (Taste and See) as performed by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Goodness of God as performed by Israel & New Breed

By The Savior’s Power by Anchor Hymns

God is Good by Jonathan McReynolds

Visit idcworship.com for song lists from previous weeks.

Check out this Spotify playlist to see the songs that are currently in our library.

Song Selection Criteria:

We are very intentional while choosing the songs we sing on Sundays. Here is a basic tool we use to select songs best suited for our congregational worship gatherings.

Is there a song you think we should sing? Paste the YouTube link in the box below!


    Serving in the IDC worship ministry is reserved for covenant members of the church. While serving is primarily done during Sunday services, we try to involve our volunteers in other ways throughout the year. If you’re interested in joining the worship ministry, fill out this application and follow the steps laid out after submission.

    Worship Collectives

    One way our volunteers can get involved is through Worship Collectives. We gather six to eight times a year as a worship ministry team at these Worship Collectives specifically to:

    Enjoy one another – We enjoy a meal together to create an opportunity for everyone to get to know others who serve in the worship ministry around the tables, as well as through shared testimonies.

    Engage with God – We spend time together in the Word, prayer, and musical worship.

    Encourage development – We include a brief time for skill development either focused on one skill related to the broader areas of service or through rehearsals as instrumentalists and/or vocalists.


    “Your statutes have been my song in the land of my sojourning.” – Psalm 119:54

    The art and practice of songwriting is one of many discipleship tools. It is a multifaceted process that involves meditating on Scripture, studying doctrinal truths in particular biblical texts within the greater context of the metanarrative, synthesizing the message into poetic form both lyrically and musically in order to create what may be considered portable theology. At least, this is part of what the process entails. IDC’s songwriting initiative is an area we hope to grow in both individually and corporately. Our goal in songwriting is to continue to “stir up one another to love and good works” for the good of the body and the glory of Christ. We hope these serve as an encouragement to you.

    What A Wonderful Mercy

    Preeminent One

    Fortress (Psalm 46)

    God Is For Us

    Messiah King

    O How Long?

    My Deliverance


    Principles of Songwriting with Bob Kauflin

    Principles of Songwriting with Paul Baloche

    Director of Worship Development
    Kimberly Merida
    [email protected]

    IDC AdminWorship